The discussions highlighted an overview of GPI’s achievements so far under the SCALE project to include:
– strengthened capacity of CSOs in different areas like SGBV/CEFM programming and intervention, Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI), Child Protection (CP), monitoring & evaluation etc.
– Strengthened capacity of community leaders on local byelaws development.
– Conducted community outreaches to sensitize community members on SGBV prevention and response.
– Trained CSOs are now making conscious effort to include and work with vulnerable groups in their respective localities to address issues of exclusion and discrimination.
– Reproduction and distribution of copies Cross River and Akwa Ibom states VAPP laws, Cross River Disability Rights law and others protecting the rights of women and girls.
Again, participants shared their successes, challenges and ways forward were discussed. It was quite intriguing and exciting that beneficiaries implemented what they were trained on.